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{ Category Archives } Judaism and religion

Synchronicity strikes again

<glazou> smontagu: btw, you think you’ll update your blog before the Armageddon ? <smontagu> glazou: funny you should ask that <smontagu> I was just asking myself the same question What makes it especially funny is that I was considering blogging about the Armageddon! Specifically about the Left Behind series of novels by Tim LaHaye and […]

Laughing Matters

The article I linked to a little while ago is the only article of mine available online in the “Jerusalem Post” archives, which is a shame. It was the less good of the two opinion pieces I wrote for them. Here is the first. It wouldn’t have occurred to me to submit it to a […]

Tefillin time

I never thought I would be able to point to something I have in common with Madonna, but now we have both been seen wrapping black leather straps around our left arm and the fingers of our left hand.

One man’s dignity is another man’s heresy

I wish I knew more about the current controversy surrounding British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks than I can learn from reading articles in the “Guardian”, “Jewish Chronicle” and “Jerusalem Post”. As reported, it makes very little sense. If it is unacceptable to say “In heaven there is truth; on earth there are truths”, will it […]