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The Rabbis and Environmentalism

Jim Davila was wondering whether the following quotation from Anglican minister Martin Palmer was really Talmudic: “The Talmud says that the angels went to God and said, ‘You just created this wonderful world and now you’ve created these human beings who will only go and mess it up. Are you start staring mad?’ And God […]


…though frankly I think a more accurate rating would have been “Sad Geek”.

Welcome to my new blog

A warm welcome to everyone redirected here from my old blog, and also to any new readers. Feel free to add comments and let me know who is reading and where you come from. RSS feed is now at, and I will do my best to make sure it stays there.

RSS Changes III

Holy crap, it is just as I feared. The RSS feed has changed its name yet again to So anyone reading me by RSS will never know when the blog moves (which will be extremely soon — I’m fed up with this). Goodbye, dear readers, it was nice knowing you.

Stopgap Post

I haven’t been getting to the blog lately. I’m gainfully employed again (contracting for the Hebrew Competence Group at IBM until the end of the year, with hopes for renewal of the contract for a longer period) and when I get home and finish checking email, reading other people’s blogs, and hacking here and there […]

Two Rebbetzins

Welcome Renegade Rebbetzin, a rising star in the blogosphere, and talking of rebbetzins, check out an article in Ha’aretz about an old friend of mine, Amichai Lau-Lavi.

RSS Changes II

I emailed Blogger support and they changed the RSS feed URI manually back to The problem is that my <link> element, which uses a <$BlogSiteFeedURL$> tag (following their instructions) still points to, and I strongly suspect, without daring to make the experiment, that if I make any other changes to the feed settings […]

RSS changes

For those using the RSS feed, I have been fiddling with the settings, and the most notable result seems to be that the URI has changed from to Apologies if this has inconvenienced anybody.

Aramaic Watch

Welcome Naomi Chana to my sidebar. Baraita is the first blog I’ve come across apart from this one with an Aramaic title, and it’s totally compulsive reading.


I’ve added some more of my favourite blogs to the sidebar. Since I’ve been commenting on other people’s blogs recently, it seems only fair to enable comments here as well. Please feel free to say hello!


From now on there will be no more hidden subtexts and secret messages in this blog (except for certain parts of this entry). I will say what I mean, and mean what I say. I appreciate the sensitive reaction from my friend, but I don’t want to put friends in the same position in the […]

And so to blog

I have been reading an interesting new web log. Either the author is using a different calendar or he has serious bandwidth issues, since his posts are showing up with a 343-year lag. “[I] went to my office, where there was nothing to do.” Is it just me, or does that sound exactly like Pav […]

RSS now available

This blog now has an RSS version Update: see the sidebar for the new location

It was good for me. Was it good for you?

How about that? Yesterday’s pathetic plea for attention was answered, and I lost my link virginity.

Matras, anyone?

Life is so hard. How will I ever be famous if even people who acknowledge me don’t link to me? That article was interesting to read. I always thought that it would be obvious to anyone that the Hebrew numbering system is so straightforward that a child can master it, but for someone looking at […]

I have now completely redone the blog template and CSS, and although it frightened me at first after I republished by claiming to be unable to access the site, things now seem to be working OK, more or less. The layout problems I was experiencing were largely due to incompatible expectations by the template and […]

OK, what’s going on here? In my naïveté I understood that “blogging tools” were supposed to make web publishing easier. I have just spent far longer in a cycle of editing, publishing, re-editing and re-publishing the previous entry than it would have taken me to write the whole bloody thing out in HTML source in […]

It was interesting to discover that Mozilla has had a severe Bidi bug in print headers just about for ever. Print headers didn’t exist when we designed Bidi; we never noticed the bug when they sneaked in a few months before we started checking code in to the tree; and nobody has ever noticed it […]

Everyone else seems to be doing it, so why not me? The title, if you were wondering, is “על הא ודא”, which is Aramaic for “On This And That”.